Who Am I?
Hello! My name is Claire Amber. I am also known as Fired Up Diva, because of my sassy personality, my focus on empowerment, cultivating life force energy, and, well…because I’m a classical and jazz vocalist. Yes, I’m that kind of diva.
I have worn many hats, professionally. I’ll refrain from busting them all out, because it would make you dizzy and that’s not my intention. But, I will share some of what’s relevant, here.
I am an artist and designer. As Lady Gaga would say, “Baby, I was born that way!” I won all kinds of awards for my art, in my youth. I have studied fine art, as well as fashion design and interior design. I bring that artistic and design savvy to my websites…as well as some of my theatrical background, LOL.
I am a lightworker, intuitive, magician, and feng shui master. I move and shift energies and clear the way for manifestation. How is any of that relevant to web design? You’ll see…
I’m a writer and author. The writing comes in handy with creating content and blog posts, of course, as well as helping you create your own.
I’m an empowerment coach. There’s a lot of psychology that goes into creating websites, believe it, or not. I can help you decide if this is for you, or not-so-much. And if it is, I might be able to help you navigate through some of the murkier waters.
I identify as a teacher. I’ve taught people how to sing, how to feng shui and declutter their homes, and of course, how to use WordPress and create amazing websites with it. I’ll be leaning even further into teaching, with this business.
Female Power!
Unfortunately, misogyny and other gross behaviors are still quite prevalent in the tech realm.
While people of all persuasions are welcome, Web Design Empowerment is created for women and made by women.
I’ve got my boundaries up and I’ll do my best to create and maintain a safe space.
As for your ability to play and learn, here…
I invite you to step into the divine feminine and embody the following qualities:
I invite you to step into the divine feminine and embody the following qualities:
You are accountable and dependable. You have great followthrough and communication skills.
You carry your weight by doing your homework, completing your tasks, and showing up, ready-to-go.
You are accountable and dependable. You have great followthrough and communication skills.
You carry your weight by doing your homework, completing your tasks, and showing up, ready-to-go.
You’re willing to work through your fears, face learning curves, head-on, and challenge yourself.
You lead with compassion and have respect for others, wherever they are on their journey.
You approach life with faith, knowing that even the most dismal circumstances can be transformed.
You are self-aware and do your best to catch and correct your own self-defeating behaviors.
You approach life with faith, knowing that even the most dismal circumstances can be transformed.
You are self-aware and do your best to catch and correct your own self-defeating behaviors.
You love to know how things work, so you can master them, because that’s half the fun.
While you’re aware of your gifts and talents, you are also receptive and open to learning.
Raising the Standards
I’m going to be honest, here. I am someone who is very much into creating and maintaining high standards. You could call me a quality control person. Unfortunately, standards have really slipped, in recent years, because anybody can put anything up on the internet. It’s a “monkey see, monkey do” world and certain bad trends have taken root. Also, not everyone has good sense, good taste, or even good grammar.
As someone who prides myself in being very detail-oriented, I cringe when I see websites that are cluttered with ads, written content rife with punctuation, grammar, and spelling errors, and advertising graphics that look like they were created by a 5-year-old.
You’ll hear me talking about quality control a fair amount, on my website and social media accounts. I will be offering services, to that effect, as well. My aim is to raise the standards of what’s being published, online, and to declutter, organize, clean up….essentially “feng shui” the internet.
I hope you’ll join me in that, because professionalism and polish matter. When website content is poorly written, for example, it detracts from the message and takes away from the author’s credibility, as a professional. I want you to be seen in the very best light, by potential clients, affiliates, etcetera. Please know that my desire to help you create the highest quality websites, social media pages, and other business materials is coming from a good place. I’ll do my best to hold to those same high standards, as well.
Finding My Direction
Recently, I was at a crossroads, after having left my job. I was in need of another project and source of income, so I asked the Universe what I should do (?) because there were so many directions that I could go in. I decided to focus on two things that I love.
Web design is one of those two things and it’s what I’m starting with. I figure that it could be a gateway to the other, which is a domestic lifestyle blog/Etsy store. I’m mentioning that because I will probably be featuring it in some of my blog posts and tutorials.
My Inspiration
You know in the film “Julie and Julia”, how the writer, Julie Powell, gave herself a year to cook and blog her way through Julia Childs’ original cookbook? Well, I decided to do my own version. Instead of cooking, the subjects are web design and marketing. I came up with about 200 topics that I could write/create videos about, plus outlines for at least two courses.
I really value the energies of inspiration and alignment. So (for now, at least) instead of putting myself on a schedule and trying to bang out as many blog posts as I can, I’m going to follow my inspiration.
My Web Design Background
I am self-taught and have had to learn, from the ground up. I’m not a programmer or developer, but rather a designer. My focus is on finding the simplest, more straightforward methods of creating websites that are well-functioning, beautiful, and user-friendly, with the tools that I currently have available. Here’s a brief history…
In 2006, I had a website designed for my feng shui business. It was beautiful, it did tricks, but it wasn’t quite right and I couldn’t get ahold of the designer, to modify it. I was very frustrated. So, I decided to get my hands dirty and I designed my own website, via GoDaddy.
Not too long after that, I got my feet wet using self-hosted WordPress as a journalist, writer, and editor for Elephant Journal. I also used WordPress, while doing marketing for a video game company. I discovered that I really liked what it could do…even if I wasn’t to the point of designing websites with it, just yet.
I have created many WordPress.com blogs, in my time. One of them got hits from all around the world and while that was a boost to my ego, I didn’t really get any business from it. I was so limited in what I could do with it, too, because there were no options to really customize it, beyond WordPress.com’s built-in settings.
In case you’re not aware (and many people aren’t), WordPress.com is more like Wix and Squarespace. It’s not self-hosted and you don’t actually own your website. The company does. They giveth and they can taketh, in the blink of an eye.
In 2012, I discovered the freedom and functionality of plugins and knew that I had to switch over to using self-hosted WordPress, even if it meant that I had to work a little harder and be much smarter. I’ve created many professional-quality websites, since, for myself and clients.
I currently specialize in creating self-hosted WordPress websites and using the Divi theme, from Elegant Themes.